I am so great. look at how I cooked something and i'm so good at baking too don't you want to eat at my house all the time? except for that I would never invite you.
oh my god you guys chris o is so dumb and do you wanna know why? because how he does so many dumb things and when I tell him how dumb he is he still does more dumb things after and it's so stupid i can't even believe how dumb.
Another thing about me is how I'm vegan and I don't eat meat and eggs and dairy except for sometimes when there's so many cookies and I really like cookies a real lot. Yuuummmmmmmmmm!
Sometimes he does funny things like how one time he put his head in a big rock.
Another time was how he made so many poops! My black and white dog Oscar that I have sometimes wears muffin papers like a hat and then he looks so sad but really he just wants to make more poops.